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Trusted by industry leaders
Trusted by industry leaders
Modern Machine Shop Magazine is the leading publication and media brand in North America devoted to CNC machining. To report on the ways CNC machining technology is advancing and succeeding, our staff writers travel the world exploring the ways job shops, contract shops and captive operations use machining equipment, processes and strategies to become more effective and efficient. MMS combines unprecedented editorial access to manufacturing facilities with decades of experience to provide long-form content that is both insightful and impactful.
Whether you’re a facility manager, building owner, contractor, or architect, retrofit magazine provides the inspiration and guidance you need to turn your retrofit design ideas into reality.
Discover the best practices and strategies for retrofit design with insightful case studies, expert interviews, and in-depth analysis from the leading voices in the industry.
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Modern Machine Shop Magazine is a monthly publication distributed 12x a year.
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